
How to wear Sapak Shawl

Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Sapak Shawl 1

How to wear Thai costume (Part II – Sapak Shawl)

The history of Sapak, or outer shawl-wearing has been a popular fashion in the royal court, dating back to Ayutthaya Dynasty. With its elegant and meticulous characteristic, Sapak shawl was then not just a finery, but a social status indicator and the dresscode for noblewomen when attending royal rites and ceremonies. Sapak shawl, then has a very influential role in inspiring another fashion of shawl-wearing; the double layer sabai (shawl) that signified grace and decency.

  • 1. Get your base-layered shawl ready!
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  • 2. Same as the base shawl,  place the hem of the shawl diagonally below the breasts. Once the shawl is orderly placed, claspe the cloths together to the underclothes with pins.
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  • 3. Toss the other end of the shawl over the shoulder and wrap it over the torso in the same fashion.
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  •  4. Neaten the fabric that is now wrapped over the torso, check for any disordered details. When gliding the fabric down to the underarm, fold the corner of the cloth inward (approximately 2 inches), making a stylish curved angle.
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  • 5. Glide over the fabric once again to make sure it clings nicely and smoothly to the upper body.
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  •  6. The remaining creases and folds from the slither will be folded and tucked at the back, behind the selvage. End the styling with a pin to clisp the outer shawl together with the underclothes. 
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  • 7. Sew them all together with threads and then you can remove the pins!
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