
How to wear Sarong/Loincloths – Jeeb Wai Chai Phok

Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Sarong/Loincloths - Jeeb Wai Chai Phok 1

How to wear Thai costume (Part III – Sarong/Loincloths – Jeeb Wai Chai Phok)

This certain style of bottomwear – Jeeb Wai Chai Phok has 2 main steps: 1. Making the hems (Chai Phok) and 2. Styling the front pleat (Jeeb Nha) 

Making the hems (Chai Phok)

  • 1.  Wrap sarong or loincloth around the body, arrange the edges to be even and symmetrical.
Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Sarong/Loincloths - Jeeb Wai Chai Phok 3
  • 2. Lift up the fabric and bundle up both of its ends around the waist, tie them up just above the belly-button.
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Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Sarong/Loincloths - Jeeb Wai Chai Phok 7
  • 3. Arrange the fabric to make ‘Chai Phok’, which is essentially how the cloth is tied and tucked at the waist. Same as other bottomwear, there are several ways to style a loincloth but the following will be the easiest styling method. Start with folding the ends of the fabric, folding the clothes inward until it reaches the tied waistband.
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  • 4. Tuck in the folded hem into either side of the knot (of the tied waistband) and neaten up.
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  • 5. Bundle up the hems and tucked it up the waist with neat glide and adjustment.
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Note : Chai Pok usually styled on the opposite side of the shawl for balance. 

How to make Jeeb Nha (front pleat)

  • 1. Jeeb Nha, is the area where the fabric is let down and let sway loosely at the front of the wearer. To have a neat, stylish pleat, it starts the same way with Chai Phok, folding the remaining fabric in bundles. The girth should not be bigger than 3-3.5 inches.
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  •  2. Lift the plated cloth up to even out the fabric. The overall hem should not be higher than ankle length.
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  •   3. Once the hem is arranged in length, tuck the top, folding the edge over the knot made earlier, and styling the fabric neatly.
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  • 4. Use a strand or belt to buckle up around the waist area but make sure to place the tied waistband (Chia Phok)  at the top for display.
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Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Sarong/Loincloths - Jeeb Wai Chai Phok 27
Note: Alternatively, you can sew up the front pleats and waistband with basic needlework to keep the folds and pleats from unwinding. 

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