
How to wear Shawl like a Thai

Thai Style Studio 1984 How to wear Shawl like a Thai 1

How to wear Thai costume (Part I – Shawl like a Thai)

  • 1. Put on the underclothes – a piece of cloth wrapped and tucked over the chest, as the base. 
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  • 2. Place the hem of the shawl diagonally below the breasts. It can be placed on either side – right or left, in the comfort of those who are dressed. Once the shawl is orderly placed, it will be clasped together to the underclothes with pins. 
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  • 3. Toss the other end of the shawl over the shoulder and wrap it over the torso in the same fashion.
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  • 4. Neaten the fabric that is now wrapped over the torso, check for any disordered details. Some may glide their hands over the shawl to make sure it fits to the body perfectly.
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  • 5. Once the shawl is in place, clasped the wrapped shawl together at the back. Make sure the pin clips to the top edge of the underclothes as well.  
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  • 6. Use a thread to sew together the fabric where it was clipped, then remove the pins. 
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Notes: There is no clear-cut manner of shawl wearing. It could be wrapped over one’s body on the right or on the left. Totally depends on the comfort of the wearer. In the old days, people usually wore the shawl over the side that was not their dominant as it would allow them to move freely on a daily basis. 


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