“Long Li’s Tin Jok” is an ancient textile featuring the distinctive “Jok” pattern from the Long Li community, which traces its roots back to the Tai Yuan people. This fabric is renowned for its unique patterns and vibrant colors, making it a cherished cultural heritage that the people of Lamphun take great pride in.“A unique […]
Lanna’s Sinh Queen Lanna’s Sinh Queen fabric is renowned as the most exquisite of all Sinh textiles, valued for its scarcity and high cost. It’s considered one of the most sought-after ancient fabrics, comparable to the status of Benjaphakee amulets among amulets. Legend has it that owning all five types of Sinh Queen fabric is […]
The art of “Hand block printing” is an esteemed fabric design methodology with its origins deeply rooted in India. For numerous generations, adept Indian craftsmen have diligently crafted detailed block prints that captivate and shape design aesthetics globally. This enduring tradition, transmitted across generations, places paramount importance on quality and authenticity. Each block-printed fabric […]
The Sabai (shawl) held significance as the primary attire for Thai women during ancient times. The societal status of Thai individuals was indicated by the intricacy of the cloth pleats. This was due to the absence of heat for smoothing fabrics in ancient times. Instead, only substantial tools like the “pleat folding tray” and “fabric […]
In traditional Thai households, green glassware, known for its unique ability to glow, was a common sight. These glass items are crafted from uranium minerals and are often referred to as “Uranium Glass” or “Vaseline Glass.” Uranium glass, (a.k.a; Vaseline glass), contains uranium oxide, imparting a distinct yellow or greenish luminescence when exposed to UV […]
“Chibori or Nham Kanun” (Jackfruit thorn-like fabrics) is a tie-dyed textile originating from Japan and India. It features a pattern resembling the thorns of a jackfruit and was traditionally worn as a sash around the waist by lords or nobles. To create this fabric, a piece of thin satin, silk, or similar material is tied […]